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DVR Windows PC Demo

 DVR Multiview Live Demo for Windows PC's
  • All Standalone DVRs include this FREE remote viewing software.
  • There are NO monthly fees or other charges except for what you normally pay for your internet connection. 

DVR Multiview Software 
for Windows PCs
Live DVR Demo Multiview

Demo Instructions: Please read all instructions before installing!

  1. You must use Internet Explorer to view this demo
  2. Click Here to Begin Live Demo Setup
    Use Internet Explorer ONLY!

    (Demo Page will open in new window)
  3. At the login screen enter "guest" and "guest.7328"
    for both the user name and the password
    , then press "OK"
    a. The Multiview window will appear with a prompt to install the plug-in.
    b. Click the link to download/install the plugin (will be called "LTS Web Components"). Click "Run" or "Save" if prompted.
    d. Bookmark this page (ctrl-d) first then close all browser windows
    d. Finish the plugin software install then re-open the browser. Return to this page and continue to Step 4.

  4. Click Here AFTER STEPS 1,2,3 ARE COMPLETE
    Use Internet Explorer ONLY!

    a. Demo will open in new window.
    b. Enter "guest" for the user name and "guest.7328" for the password, then press "OK"
    c. The Multiview window will appear and live camera feeds should be displayed.
    d. If no cameras are displayed try double-clicking on Camera 01 and wait 5 seconds.
    e. If you still don't see the live video please call (800)947-7328 option 2 for assistance

Call (800)947-7328 to get a FREE QUOTE
or to order your DVR system today!

This Surveillance Software is included FREE with all of our Standalone DVRs