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DVR iPhone iPad iPod Demo

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 DVR App Demo for iPhone and iPad
  • All Standalone DVRs include this FREE remote viewing software.
  • There are NO monthly fees or other charges except for what you normally pay for your internet connection. 

SuperLive Plus 
for iPhone iPad

Demo instructions for iPhone iPad

  1. Open the App Store (on your Apple Device)

  2. Search for "SuperLive Plus"

  3. Install the SuperLive Plus App

  4. Open SuperLive Plus after install is complete

  5. When the app is opened the first time, you'll be shown several tips on how to use the app, tap "Next" or "Start" when prompted. You will also be asked to agree to an End User License Agreement.

  6. Once complete, you will be shown a screen to add a device. Enter the information below to add our demo DVR to your app:

Field Name Demo Settings
Serial Number NF99B073T4E0
Device Name BigSecurity Demo
Username guest
Password guest
  1. Tap the "Save" icon at the bottom (this may be behind the keyboard)

  2. At the Server List screen, the WiFi symbol at the right will be green when the connection is complete. If you see an error in red, tap on the pencil-and-paper icon, and double-check the information above.

    Once the WiFi symbol is green, tap the second symbol to view live video.

  3. If you don't see live feeds call (800)947-7328 option 2 for assitance.

Call (800)947-7328 to get a FREE QUOTE 
or to order your DVR system today!

This Surveillance Software is included FREE with all of our Standalone DVRs